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                                            <h2 class="headline">So, what will it be?</h2>
                                            <p class="description">When you stand up. When you have the world’s attention. Will you take it? What will you make of it? Here, you’ll spark inspiring dialogue that matters. You’ll live and lead with integrity. You’ll be a part of
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                                        <div class="eyebrow">Top choice</div>
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                                        <div class="value">27%</div>
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                                        <div class="eyebrow">Our students</div>
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                                        <h2 class="headline">We hear you loud and clear</h2>
                                        <p class="description">We know college is a major investment. For more than 100 years, we’ve believed that a quality education should be within financial reach of all students. That’s why you’ll find that our total costs are lower than
                                            those elsewhere. By reducing your costs, you can focus on what matters most: your education.</p>
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                                    <h2 class="headline">What’s new at Missouri State</h2>
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                                                <h2 class="headline">Building tomorrowland</h2>
                                                <div class="description">More jobs. Better living. Economic development. The university and the city of Springfield are boosting ideas for tomorrow&#x27;s downtown.</div>
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                                                        <h2 class="headline">How a used frying pan could fuel your car</h2>


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                                        <div class="eyebrow">April</div>
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