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                    <h2>Missouri State University</h2>
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                                    <h2 class="headline">New beginnings… endless possibilities</h2>
                                    <p class="description">You’ll find a full college experience with quality instruction in a relaxed, personal atmosphere at Missouri State-West Plains!</p>
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                                            <h2 class="headline">Let our alumni tell you how we change lives</h2>
                                            <p class="description">Missouri State-West Plains prepares its graduates for a variety of successful careers. Here are six of these remarkable individuals. Learn more about our alums in our spotlight blogs.</p>
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                                        <div class="value">1,800</div>
                                        <div class="description">students enrolled in part-time or full-time studies</div>

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                                        <div class="value">17</div>
                                        <div class="description">students make up the average class size</div>

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                                        <div class="value">90%</div>
                                        <div class="description">receive some form of financial aid</div>



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                                        <h2 class="headline">Consider the possibilities</h2>
                                        <p class="description">Missouri State-West Plains is a place where you can make a big impact. You’ll find small classes, personalized attention and free educational support services. Fees are lower than most four-year colleges, which
                                            allows you to save money. And, you can invest in yourself through our comprehensive scholarship and financial aid program. Come check out our wide assortment of student activities and great selection of University
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                                                <h3 class="headline"><a href="">Academic programs</a></h3>
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                                                    Find programs designed to transfer or to prepare you for employment in a variety of fields.
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                                                <h3 class="headline"><a href="">A great investment</a></h3>
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                                                    Explore scholarship and financial aid options, and see how affordable it is to attend here.
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                                                    Stay engaged through student organizations, recreational activities and campus events.
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                                                <h3 class="headline"><a href="">Housing options</a></h3>
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                                                    Living on campus is a great way to experience all aspects of college life.


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                                    <h2 class="headline">What’s new at Missouri State-West Plains</h2>
                                    <p class="description">Learn about the latest news, upcoming events, and other things going on in our campus community.</p>
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                                                <h2 class="headline">Colby Bain earns science-based research opportunity this summer</h2>
                                                <div class="description">The freshman pre-engineering student at MSU-WP has been selected to participate in an NSF Research Experience in fluid mechanics in UA’s Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics in Tuscaloosa.</div>
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                                                        <div class="eyebrow">Campus life</div>
                                                        <h2 class="headline">4 students win awards at PBL State Leadership Conference</h2>
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                                                        <div class="eyebrow">Upcoming event</div>
                                                        <h2 class="headline">STAR Orientation dates set for new students</h2>
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                                                        <img class="image" src="../../images/wp-homepage/featurette-3.jpg" alt="Linda Wulff-Risner holds the Governor&#x27;s Award for Excellence, surrounded by the Dean of Academic Affairs and First Lady of Missouri">
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                                                        <div class="eyebrow">Awards</div>
                                                        <h2 class="headline">Linda Wulff-Risner receives Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education</h2>
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                                                        <div class="eyebrow">Athletics</div>
                                                        <h2 class="headline">Lovett named All-American, 4 receive All-Region honors</h2>


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                                        <div class="eyebrow">April</div>
                                        <div class="value">6</div>
                                        <div class="description">Painting Workshop - Solar Eclipse</div>
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                                        <div class="eyebrow">May</div>
                                        <div class="value">18</div>
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                                        <div class="eyebrow">June</div>
                                        <div class="value">10</div>
                                        <div class="description">Summer classes start</div>
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